Mittwoch, 6. April 2011


The Dark Side

Author: gangstalking

Many times on the news you hear a report about a shooting, killing or violent incident and the person at the heart of the incident is passed off as mentally ill, and the society reacts by creating additional laws to protect themselves from the mentally ill.

What many in society still do not understand or realize is that there is a dark side to many of those shootings and violent incidents, there is a dark side that society would rather not have you know about. A dark side that happens masked just below the public's eye and awareness, but that is often very real and traumatizing for the Targeted Individual.

In many of these cases if you look deeper into these incidents you will often discover that there was more to the story. Before the target had a history of "mental illness", the target often had complaints of mobbing, bullying, or harassment of some kind. Often times the Target might not even have a term to go with the form of harassment that is happening to them. They often describe individuals around them, or even complete strangers as being mean, taunting, doing little incidents to provoke them. Many of these targets have complained for years about the targeting, but with each successive complaint their actions are often passed off as mental illness. Their very real concerns that some type of organized or systemic harassment, is happening around them often goes unheeded, unheard, and the target might even be forcefully committed by concerned family. When the reality is that the target has been exposed continually overtime to a psychological operation of harassment and provocations, that would be capable of breaking down most of the sane of individuals.

Recently society has become more familiar with terms such as mobbing and bullying.

Mobbing in the context of human beings either means bullying of an individual by a group in any context, or specifically any workplace bullying.

Though the English word mob denotes a crowd, often in a destructive or hostile mood, German, Polish, Italian and several other European languages have adopted mobbing as a loanword to describe all forms of bullying including that by single persons. The resultant German verb mobben can also be used for physical attacks, calumny against teachers on the internet and intimidation by superiors, with an emphasis on the victims' continuous fear rather than the perpetrators' will to exclude them. The word may thus be a false friend in translation back into English, where mobbing in its primary sense denotes a disorderly gathering by a crowd and in workplace psychology narrowly refers to "ganging up" by others to harass and intimidate an individual.

Research into the phenomenon was pioneered in the 1980s by German-born Swedish scientist Heinz Leymann, who borrowed the term from animal behaviour due to it describing perfectly how a group can attack an individual based only on the negative covert communications from the group".[3]

Mobbing is also found in school systems and this too was discovered by Dr. Heinz Leymann. Although he preferred the term bullying in the context of school children, some have come to regard mobbing as a form of group bullying. As professor and practising psychologist, Dr. Leymann also noted one of the side-effects of Mobbing is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and is frequently misdiagnosed. After making this discovery he successfully treated thousands of mobbing victims at his clinic in Sweden.

In the book MOBBING: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, the authors say that mobbing is typically found in work environments that have poorly organized production and/or working methods and incapable or inattentive management and that mobbing victims are usually "exceptional individuals who demonstrated intelligence, competence, creativity, integrity, accomplishment and dedication".[4]

UK Anti-bully pioneers Andrea Adams and Tim Field used the expression workplace bullying instead of what Leymann called "mobbing" although workplace bullying nearly always involves mobbing in its other meaning of group bullying.

In the following article some stories of workplace mobbing are shared.


Workplace Violence:

Why it happens. Why it will continue.

"The tiny percentage of mobbing victims � like Pierre Lebrun � who lash back in violent attack would probably have lived out their lives peaceably and productively had they been spared the excruciating pain of relentless humiliation."

~ Prof. Kenneth Westhues,
At the Mercy of the Mob: A summary of research on workplace mobbing

We've all seen the news reports. A lone gunman returns to his workplace or former workplace to exact revenge for harassment that has gone on sometimes for years. We learn that the gunman has lashed back in the past at those he considered to be abusing him, albeit in non-lethal ways. We are told the gunman has been disciplined in the past for his behavior (reacting to the abuse) and has been ordered to go to counselling or anger management courses. Even though the precipitating abuse may have gone on for years any response in kind gives the bullies and management the opportunity to turn the tables and claim that the victim of abuse is the real problem after all.

Of couse what we don't hear is that the bullies provoking this reaction are almost never disciplined or required to attend counselling themselves. At this point targets of mobbing are often further humiliated by being forced to sign so-called �last chance agreements' which threaten the target with termination if they dare to challenge the bullies again. So once the target of harassment returns to work after "counselling" they are greeted by cynical bullies who simply renew their attack with added vigor now that they know management will do nothing to stop them and will even join in the persecution. This tacit approval and participation by management guarantees the situation will only get worse.

The societies reaction is too often to pass the individual off as problematic, sick, disturbed, mentally ill, a violent individual. The real causes behind their violent and extreme outbursts often remain hidden. It's easier to think that we have a few individuals in society that are sick and disturbed vs the fact that we have a society that is doing sick and disturbing things to these individuals and their lives, which in turn leads to these violent outbursts and incidents.

Once educated it is easy to tell what is really happening, who the real victim is. Once it is named and brought out into the light for all to see bullies can no longer operate in the grey area. Only once everyone sees mobbing for what it is, brutal systematic psychological torture, will it become unacceptable. Only when co-workers, supervisors, department heads, HR managers, EAP providers, corporate executives, doctors, lawyers, judges and politicians understand what is being done and comprehend the staggering toll it takes on individuals, companies and society as a whole will laws proscribing mobbing become effective.

In the meantime, the body count will continue to rise.

~ Anton Hout

The body count has indeed continued to rise, but where workplace mobbing and school bullying have become more widely recognized, the issue of community mobbing and Gang Stalking are often less well known, and when violent incidents happen, society does not often readily link these incidents of violence to something more dark and insidious that might be just be happening in the community.

The mobbing community over the years has done a fantastic job of documenting the link between workplace mobbing and violent shootings. They were able to establish that in the case of many workplace shootings if you looked a little deeper there was workplace mobbing ongoing. Workplace mobbing that had gone on for years. The Target of the mobbing had often been singled out as the problem and their cries for help often lead to measures which left them unable to complain any further, take any extra internal actions, and left them at the mercy of the mob.


School shooting
Main article: School shooting

School shootings have focused attention on student bullying, with shooters in several of the worst shootings reporting they were bullied.

School shootings are a bullying-related phenomenon that receive an enormous amount of media attention. [b]An investigation undertaken by the United States Secret Service found that in over 2/3 of cases, attackers in school shooting incidents "felt persecuted, bullied, threatened, attacked, or injured by others prior to the incident" and discredits the idea that school shooters are "loners" who "just snap".[/b] Though observing that, "clearly, not every child who is bullied in school presents a risk for targeted violence in school", the investigation report states that, "a number of attackers had experienced bullying and harassment that was longstanding and severe. In those cases, the experience of bullying appeared to play a major role in motivating the attack at school". The report also observes "in a number of cases, attackers described experienced of being bullied in terms that approached torment". The report concluded that, "(t)hat bullying played a major role in a number of these school shootings should strongly support ongoing efforts to combat bullying in American schools".[4]

Studies prompted by the shootings have shown long-lasting emotional harm to victims. The studies also revealed that bullies themselves are likely to suffer problems as children and adults.[5]

Many in the bullying feild such as the lateTim Fieldalso did a wonderful job with connecting violent school shootings with the concept that the students at the heart of many of those incidents had been bullied. He would also term the phrase bullycide to describe a young persons suicide due to bullying.

Years before bullying became well known, targets of bullying were persecuted, they suffered in silence while their cries for help were ignored. Many were made out to be disturbed or problematic individuals. The reality is that they were enduring months if not years of psychological torture and torment. The shootings gained a lot of attention, and measures were implemented to address school bullying, but years later this is still a very big problem in the school system as seen by the suicide of Phoebe Prince.

Phoebe Nora Mary Prince[1] (November 24, 1994[2] � January 14, 2010) was a teenager from South Hadley, Massachusetts. She became known throughout the United States and internationally when she committed suicide after suffering months of constant bullying from school classmates. Her death brought calls for more stringent, specific anti-bullying laws in Massachusetts. In March 2010, a state anti-bullying task force was set up as a result of her death.

In the case of workplace mobbing and bullying, the suicides don't often get the same degree of attention that the shootings do, but they are just as important. They show the darkside of what society is capable of doing. They show a real failure of this system. They also are a striking reminder that even with all the education, lectures, documentation, there is still a long way to go towards getting this type of behaviour resolved. They show a dark side of society, and it's consistent need to feed off of their members, societies need to demean, psychologically degrade, and belittle those it perceives as weaker, deserving of punishment, or who fail to fall in line with the status quo.

Gang Stalking

What is Gang Stalking?

Gang Stalking is a systemic form of control, which seeks to destroy every aspect of a Targeted Individuals life. A target will be flagged by the community for various reasons, their information is sent out to the community at large, and they are followed around 24/7 by the members of the various communities that they are in.

The warning will go out to various places including stores, apartment rentals, future employers, communities that the target is visiting, doctors, fire departments, police, etc. A covert investigation might also be opened, and electronic, means used by the civilian spies/snitches as part of the overt and covert monitoring and surveillance process.

Individuals can be flagged designating them as having a history of aggressive or inappropriate behavior. This flagging system will follow the target if they move, change jobs, visit other areas. It let's the community believe that they are persons who need to be watched or monitored.

"In the service sector this may require identifying to employees persons who have a history of aggressive or inappropriate behavior in the store, bar, mall or taxi.

The identity of the person and the nature of the risk must be given to staff likely to come into contact with that person. While workers have the right to know the risks, it is important to remember that this information cannot be indiscriminately distributed.

Community health and safety

A woman named Jane Clift in the U.K. went through a very similar type of flagging system. A warning marker was placed against her name designating her as potentially violent.

"She sensed that, everywhere she went, there was "whispering, collaboration, people scurrying about". "Everywhere I went � hospitals, GPs, libraries � anywhere at all, even if I phoned the fire service, as soon as my name went on to that system, it flagged up �violent person marker, only to be seen in twos, medium risk'."

Violent Persons Registry

Jane Clift was targeted this way and spent four year clearing her name.

Individuals are being flagged without their knowledge. In many countries these flags might fall under community safety and health laws. It seems that employers, educational facilities, and community centers are in some cases flagging innocent individuals as a means of retaliation, silencing, or controlling members of society.

Being Bullied or Mobbed out of a job can be a devastating experience for anyone. For those who do survive it can lead to post traumatic stress disorder, or even psychiatric injury. The Target can spend years if not the rest of their lives recovering from an attack, unable to work or even attend school.

Differences between mental illness and psychiatric injury

The person who is being bullied will eventually say something like "I think I'm being paranoid�"; however they are correctly identifying hypervigilance, a symptom of PTSD, but using the popular but misunderstood word paranoia. The differences between hypervigilance and paranoia make a good starting point for identifying the differences between mental illness and psychiatric injury.

These symptoms that the target exhibits can also go ignored or misdiagnosed for years by a society that continually fails to understand the emotional and psychologically damaging effects of such practices.

Gang Stalking is experienced by the Targeted Individual as psychological attack, that is capable of immobilizing and destroying them over time. The covert methods used to harass, persecute, and falsely defame the targets often leave no evidence to incriminate the civilian spies.

It's similar to workplace mobbing, but takes place outside in the community. It called Gang Stalking, because groups of organized community members stalk and monitor the targets 24/7.

Many Targeted Individuals are flagged, harassed and placed under surveillance in this way for months or even years before they realize that they are being targeted by an organized protocol of harassment.

The Targeted Individual community has spent the last few years playing catch up, and trying to firmly establish a coloration between incidents of violence in the community, and the very real fact that many of these individuals might just have been targets of a practice that has become known as Gang Stalking.

In the book Bridging The Gap By :GmB Bailey, there is a whole chapter demonstrating just how easily conspiracies can happen, often right under the public's scoop of visibility and awareness. With Gang Stalking the community goes into hypervigilance or vigilante mode, trying to remove an individual that they see as a danger or undesirable. The society firmly believes that it is doing something good and beneficial for the community, but in reality they are exposing these individuals to months and years of what amounts to a psychological operation, capable of breaking down and destroying the individual, or driving that person to committing acts of violence.

Over the last several years there have been several such shootings, where the individuals complained about surveillance, monitoring, harassment, people saying rude things, gaslighting, but the individuals are always written off as being mentally ill. It should be pointed noted that with school shootings the kids where once written off as kids who snapped without cause, and the same was true for workplace shootings. They were also written off as people who went postal without any cause. Once a correlation of prior complaints could be established a very different story emerged. It was then noted that in 2/3 of all school shootings the targets had complained about bullying without anything being done, and the same is true for workplace mobbing.

What the Targeted Individual community now has to establish is the link between incidents of violence in the community and these community flaggings, warning markers or listings that individuals are having added to their files, otherwise known as Gang Stalking. What needs to be established is the fact that the violence is happening in some if not most cases, not because the person is mentally ill or violent, but the actions of the community once the individual is flagged in this way, is leading to incidents of violence or mass shootings in the community. The endless community mobbing that the target experiences, which is basically amounts to a psychological operation, that goes on for months if not years, is what is leading to these incident of violence in society.

Were the following cases simply disturbed or violent individuals, or were they targets of something far deeper, something more insidious, the dark side of society?

Jiverly Wong

The news reported Jiverly Wong as a loser with a failed marriage, who had once tried to rob a bank. A person who had a history of drug abuse, and who could not hold down a job.

The story that Jiverly Wong tells is very different.

Jiverly Wong tells a story of 20 years worth of harassment, by members of the community, but mostly by police officers. He talks about rumours and slanders, he also describes what sounds similar to what Targeted Individuals describe as Electronic Harassment. When reviewing Jiverly Wong's story, it became clear that there were discrepancies. His parents had no reason to believe that he had ever been married. The bank robbery was a lie told to police which established an investigation being opened. None of Jiverly Wong's co-workers reported any type of a drug problem. His job loses were not job loses, he had worked at one company for several years then left. They report him as an excellent worker. With his second job the factory closed down and he was laid off. He then tried to take an English language class, but reportedly dropped out, most likely due to mobbing. This same school would be the focus and target of his anger.

To look at the story the media painted was to see a paranoid individual, but once society is aware of the psychological operation that goes on behind the scenes, Jiverly Wong's complaints about what happened to him become far more credible, and requires closer examination. Not just for Jiverly Wong, but for those who were the targets of his final outrage at society. If a correlation can be established, if his complaints can be verified, then maybe this can be used to make sure such incidents do not happen in future.

Kimveer Gill

Kimveer Gill in the news was painted as an anti-social young man, who one day took a gun and for no apparent reason, went on a shooting spree at Dawson College. The reports could find no reason for his shooting. The shooting was in fact attributed to the goth lifestyle and goth culture. The website was in the spotlight for weeks if not months as a possible source for individuals who might be violent.

When reviewing Kimveer Gills postings, there were little hints that something else might have been ongoing, that might have contributed to the shootings.

Dated September 12, 2006

Stop Bullying

It?s not only the bully?s fault you know!!It?s the teachers and principals fault for turning a blind eye, just cuz it?s not their job. You f*ckers are pathetic. It?s the police?s fault for not doing anything when people conplain (oops, my mistake, the cops are corrupt sons of whores,
so it?s not like they can do anything about it.)

It?s society?s fault for acting like it?s normal for people to be assholes to each other. Society disgusts me. It?s everyone?s fault for being so apathetic towards f*cking everything that doesn?t affect them personally. F*CK YOU

I wonder why my household has been under surveillance by law enforcement for 6 years now? Makes no sense to me!!

Kimveer didn't work at all in 2006, telling his mother he was tired of how people doing contract work were treated.

People kill each other

Rape women

Molest children

Deceive and betray

Destroy lives

Bullying and torturing each other at school

What kind of world is this? What the f*ck is wrong with people. This world � this life, is worst (sic) than hell.

"Postal dude was sad before he became angry and psychotic, that's the part we never see in the game. He was normal, but the world made him the way he became."

His postings sound very rambling at first, but he talks of bullying and schools who do nothing. He talks of police who do nothing when people make complaints. He talks about his house being under surveillance for over 6 years.

It might just be the ramblings of a disturbed individual, but it's also very possible more was ongoing.

The message said that the same thing could happen again if Rajan's demands for $10 billion in compensation for both he and Kimveer weren't met.

That same day, they searched the house and discovered a three-page typewritten letter in which Rajan demanded $10 billion "for all the violations, damages, suffering" committed by citizens and the government and "for the negligence of their law enforcement agencies."

Police also found one of Rajan's chats on his computer, in which he demands $10 billion for both him and Kimveer for violations of their fundamental rights, like "freedom from torture" and the "right to paid holidays."

During his interrogation with police, he said he had no knowledge of what his friend had planned. He also said that for the past five or six months, he had developed the ability to read people's minds, had telepathic powers and had the ability to move people and animals.

Kimveer's friend Rajiv Rajan wrote some interesting postings after Kimveer's death. He wrote about damages, suffering committed by citizens, and the government. Neglegence of law enforcement agencies. Violations of his and Kimveer's fundamental rights, for freedom from torture.

Might just be the ramblings of someone who has since been diagnosed as schizophrenic with a history of depression, but his statements might also shed more light on what might really have been happening with Kimveer Gill.

Keith Deroche

Friday said the 44-year-old Deroux's cocaine addiction was fuelling �paranoid delusions' that listening devices and cameras had been placed in his apartment. The drug addict believed someone was sending him coded messages through his computer and, even after moving to a new residence, Deroux feared people were entering his house through an underground tunnel and funnelling "noxious gases" into the residence. The only person with enough resources for this kind of surveillance, Deroux figured, was his friend and cocaine dealer, Wolfgang Droege. �

Mr Deroche would then shoot and kill his friend Wolfgang Droege who he blamed for the surveillance and mishaps going on in his life. He gave what to many seemed like a wild, paranoid drug induced description of being under surveillance, gassing, harassment, people entering his home, and that it continued after he moved.

Was he just spewing out a drug induced fantasy or was he on a list, flagged, with a warning marker against his name?

Damon Thompson nt-at-ucla-facing-attempted-murder-charges

The allegation against 20-year-old Damon Thompson is that on Thursday October 9, he attacked a 20-year-old female classmate Katherine Rosen. It happened in an organic chemistry class in the William Young Hall at the university sometime around midday on Thursday when Thompson allegedly pulled out a knife and stabbed Rosen five times and slashed her throat.

Thompson, an A -student with consistent excellent academic performance is an only child of Judith Brook a legal clerk with the Legal Advice and Services Centre in Belize City. While the US media has painted a negative picture of Thompson,
sources close to him and his family indicated that prior to this incident he had made countless complaints against classmates and this specific lab partner but with no results. Contrary to US media reports, Thompson did know Rosen who was his lab partner and who has been very offensive to him on previous occasions and even the day in question. Now UCLA in an attempt to shift blame away from itself has sought to discredit the mental stability of Thompson by using his many complaints by e-mail as an indication of instability.

When this story occurred, the American media painted Damon Thompson as a student that had walked into a classroom, pulled out a knife and stabbed a random student. He was immediately painted as mentally ill, and placed in jail. That is the bulk of what many will remember about this story, but digging a little deeper and told a very different story.

He had been familiar with Rosen his lab partner, he had made many complaints about harassment, and he had in particular complained about her on several occasions, but I reports of this do not seem to have been printed in the American Media.

Frank said he grew concerned about Thompson in mid-December 2008, after the student sent several e-mails complaining that classmates sitting around him had been disruptive and made offensive comments to him while he was taking a written exam.

In one of the e-mails that Frank provided to The Times, Thompson, 20, also accused Frank of taunting him.

"I believe I heard you, Professor Frank, say that I was �troubled' and �crazy' among other things," Thompson wrote in the e-mail. "My outrage at this situation coupled with the pressure of the very weighted examination dulled my concentration and detracted from my performance."

Frank said he was told that other professors had reported similar exchanges with Thompson, who complained he was the constant target of taunts from students across campus � in dorms, dining areas and the library. A university official told Frank that he could only suggest that Thompson seek treatment, but they couldn't require him to seek psychological help. "My concern was in the context of other violent incidents on campuses around the country," Frank said.

To Frank, the e-mails he received from Thompson indicated the student was in need of serious help. Frank said he urged university officials to take action. An official told Frank that they could only suggest to Thompson that he seek treatment, but they could not require him to seek psychological services.

University officials have acknowledged that "Thompson was known to our student affairs office prior to the incident," but could not disclose information about the suspect, citing privacy laws.

When the story was examined a little bit closer it was clear that he had made several complaints about disruptions not only by the students around him, but also by also by professors. His complaints had not been taken seriously, infact he it seems that he was viewed as the problem for making the complaints which most often happens in cases of workplace mobbing, and habitual bullying in the schooling system. It should be noted that the professor he had accused of harassment, was the one used in the interview. What is happening in cases of this is that the system is not correcting itself, instead of tackling systemic bullying, harassment, mobbing, these individuals are all too often placed on lists, have warning markers placed against their names, or flagged, once this happens, it almost invariably leads to open season on the target by the community, and an escalation of open harassment. Then further complaints by the target are seen as a cry for mental health and not what they should be seen as, which is a system that is broken and not functioning. This is is also often a precursor to Gang Stalking, and the escalation of systemic harassment.

Abdo Ibssa

"We've heard him say crazy things and do crazy things," said neighbor George Johnson. "The chip they're talking about�I don't know where that came from, but he kept on thinking that the government put a chip in him."

"The suspect through the note left at his residence indicated he was upset with the doctor, thinking a chip had been placed inside of him during his appendectomy. The suspect believed he was being tracked due to this chip," Sterling Owen IV, Knoxville's Police Chief said.

According to the case file, which lists his name as Abdo Ibssa Mohammed, Ibssa told the court he bought his business in 2008 but wasn't making any money. Handwritten notes indicate he was $80,000 in debt, apparently for an online school he dropped out of in 2007 "due to personal problems."

The notes also indicate he filed no tax returns in 2008 or 2009.

Also found during the search were a second handgun, a bag of marijuana and a copy of the book "The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception" � a reproduction of a Cold War-era CIA handbook on the use of illusion and deception for acts of espionage.

Ibssa was allegedly involved in a violent incident a year ago, attacking a stranger in a convenience store, according to a lawyer for the man who filed the civil suit.

Jalal Boudarga sued Ibssa for $300,000 in January, claiming Ibssa shoved him violently against his car, causing him to fall to the ground and badly break his leg. Boudarga's attorney, Jerry Martin, told The Associated Press that Ibssa believed Boudarga said something bad about him in the store.

"I guess if Mr. Ibssa imagined that a doctor had put a computer chip in him, then it's not that far of a jump for him to imagine my client saying something about him," Martin said.

It's very easy to write this man off as a paranoid and mentally ill individual. He has a history of violence, he was just committed to a mental health facility, and he was off his medication.

When you look at the story there are some question left unanswered. Why did this man feel that he was being tracked? Was he being followed, or did he think he was being tracked via electronic means? Why was there a copy of the CIA manual of Trickery and Deception? For those familiar with the techniques used in Gang Stalking rude comments by strangers, that directly correlate to the Targeted Individual are all too common and it would not be very hard to imagine that a complete stranger could indeed have made a comment to Ibssa.

The stories unlike several of the others does not go into enough details, to establish a firm correlation, in regards to what might have been happening, and the some media outlets have claimed that his neighbours are not giving interviews.

If these cases can be reviewed and it is determined that these men or some of these men were on community lists, had warning markers placed on their files, were flagged, then it might help establish a link between these community incidents of violence and these community listings, warning markers, or flags.

If these patterns can be established, then other factors such as complaints to the police and other agencies can be reviewed. Maybe then Targeted Individuals could get more understanding and awareness, vs being written off as mentally ill.

If it can be established that placing people on lists, warning markers, or flagging files causes community paranoia, harassment, mobbing, and Gang Stalking, then in future when targets complain, maybe their complaints will be taken more seriously. Right now complaints are taken as a sign of mental illness, and additional complaints are viewed the same.

The community in the meanwhile thinks that anyone flagged is a dangerous person, and someone that the need to do everything they can to protect and guard themselves against. The target is then exposed to day in day out systemic harassment, which equates to a psychological operation that is capable of driving the target to a breakdown, or acts of suicide or violence.

Community members go out of their way to do things to provoke the target, harass them in subtle ways. Each incident in and of itself means nothing, but the repeated provocations over time, lead to the headlines seen on the news. This is the dark side of society that is not seen or reported.

It took years for enough research to be put into place to establish a direct link between bullying, mobbing and acts of violence. This process within the Targeted Individual community can be more readily streamlined, by checking to see if any of these individuals had such warnings or flags on their community files.

If they do has such warnings, then it's important that this link be used to draw the correct conclusion, which would be that placing such warnings against individuals files, can and often does lead to identifiable patterns and cycles of harassment. This then causes acts of violence with in the community as the target is provoked, monitored, and psychologically harassed on a daily basis, everywhere they do. This is the conclusion that should be reached vs people on these lists are violent for no apparent reason and without any justification. It's important to look at cause and effect.

If the communities actions are leading to these end results then it's important to establish laws and support for targets to address this, so that fewer incidents will be caused over the next few years.

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